Monday, January 30, 2012

Spring Prophesy

When the high wall breaks
upon you in a wave
of chrysanthemum petals like
burning green

sparks at a New Year festival,
and the purple martins hover
above their nests, diving and

never landing as they eat
scrambled eggs that you
prepared just
minutes ago and are

now launching towards
their voracious wings
held aloft by some
will that is external to you

yet dusts your cheeks like a fine
sand in the morning,
making you glow like the
dawning sun

seen through last night’s wine
glass left on the terrace wall to
collect tears of morning
dew, then you will know

that what I say is true.  The green
leaves on the tender
tips of maple twigs pulse with
the same sap that is in you

and I.   The martin winging over
your head purples with the same
urge as your lover before
all knowing is abandoned

to impulse.  The cricket the martin                
eats enraptures its sensitive
thighs, opens them to the wind,
lets everything in.


  1. congrats on the honorable mention. it's a very powerful (perfectly tuned) poem. I might,
    not that I consider it, lead off with it.
