Sunday, February 26, 2012

When the Snow Falls Like Angels

By definition a volcano is winter hardy, that much is
obvious, but there’s so much that isn’t:  “Mary” is a
popular name for varieties of roses (Lincoln), apples
(Reid), and asparagus (Washington).  You should plant
ten roots per family member.  Some mushrooms turn
blue and dissolve as soon as you pick them—poisonous
disappearing ink.  The bones found in canned rattlesnake
are similar to those found in canned salmon.  When the
snow falls like angels, you’ll be glad to have permaloft;  
When the snow falls like angels, it’s the perfect time for citrus.

I love the word “Archipelago.”  Somehow it manages to be
seduction and onomatopoeia all at once. “Slick” is the same. 
I want to murmur it in a cold room as I take off my shirt and you
watch.  Instead, I shrug into an orange t-shirt in the dark, shake
my blonde hair and listen for your truck to rumble at the curb.

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